Pour répondre à ces différents besoins, GiSmartware a personnalisé le logiciel métier pour CITEOS. Solution internet, elle permet aux utilisateurs de gérer en temps réel, via un simple navigateur Web, sans aucune installation, l’intégralité du patrimoine éclairage public. Les prestations réalisées par GiSmartware couvrent : La mise à disposition d’une infrastructure informatique, L’administration de la plateforme, Le maintien en condition opérationnelle de la plateforme, L’intégration de données cartographiques des différentes entreprises, La mise en place de la mobilité pour le guidage et la maintenance, La formation des utilisateurs, L’assistance au quotidien à l’utilisation de la plateforme.

Some figures

lights points georeferenced
requests for interventions since 2005
reports entered since 2005
municipalities managed


Public lighting and traffic lights.



In 2005, the CITEOS brand opted for GiSmartware’s Citeos center solution to manage the public lighting reference system and the management of interventions, at national level. This solution is used by the majority of CITEOS today.

Through these companies CITEOS wanted to have a delegated national platform in IT management (hosting + administration).

This platform allows CITEOS:

  • To manage the public lighting assets;
  • To be responsive to requests for intervention;
  • To monitor new and renovation work;
  • To monitor and approve maintenance operations (curative and preventive);
  • To provide customer municipalities with a portal for intervention requests.

All within a mapping environment.

Implementation (2005 to present)

To meet these different needs, GiSmartware has customised the business software for CITEOS. It is an internet solution which allows users to manage in real time all of the public lighting assets, via a single web browser and without any installation.

The services provided by GiSmartware cover:

  • The provision of an IT infrastructure;
  • The administration of the platform;
  • The maintenance of the platform in operational condition;
  • The integration of mapping data of the different companies;
  • The implementation of mobility solutions for guidance and maintenance;
  • User training;
  • Day-to-day assistance with using the platform.



Aurélie LANDY –