DICTGEO software allows Requests for Works and Declarations of Intent to Commence Works to be processed four times faster. This has enabled our clients to work four times as fast, with processing times falling from a quarter of an hour to less than four minutes!
For the record
« Established by France’s ‘Grenelle II’ Environment Act, the ‘Single Point of Contact’, or remote network service, lists all the networks located in France with the aim of preventing damage to their infrastructures in the event of works carried out in the vicinity by third parties. At no cost to users, it allows any individual or company wishing to carry out works to identify the operators of the networks concerned, to whom they are required to declare their works. Network operators are required to respond to these declarations. »
With DICTGEO, two essential operations in the operator network response process are automated

Help with declaring works to the single point of contact
DICTGEO automatically generates the zoning files that enable network operators to declare their works to the single point of contact. This declaration reduces the number of Declarations of Works/Intent to Commence Works to be processed, as the operator is now consulted only for Requests and Declarations located close to its network.
Manual generation of zoning files can be time-consuming and tedious. DICTGEO does away with this task by generating up-to-date zoning files every night. The only remaining manual stage is downloading these files from the single point of contact website (this final stage cannot be automated for regulatory reasons).
Centralisation of the Declarations of Works/Intent to Commence Works received and help with responding
DICTGEO is able to recover all the Declarations of Works/Intent to Commence Works e-mailed by Declaration Assistance Providers, without it being necessary to subscribe to their services. When Declarations of Works/Intent to Commence Works are received by letter or fax, DICTGEO makes it possible to fill them in using a simple, user-friendly interface that provides effective, predictive input.

Once all the requests have been centralised, it is no longer necessary to consult the maps to prepare the response: DICTGEO automatically determines whether or not the operator is concerned, and generates a map excerpt and a draft receipt.
However, the operator retains responsibility for responding in compliance with regulations: the user confirms or invalidates the software analysis. Once validated, the response is automatically sent to the applicant.
DICTGEO presents and manages
the regulatory response dates and
deadlines for network operators.
DICTGEO software draws up a clear, readable chart listing all the Declarations of Works/Intent to Commence Works awaiting processing. The Declarations of Works/Intent to Commence Works whose processing deadline is approaching are highlighted.

DICTGEO draws directly on the network description stored in the network operator’s GIS (supported databases: Oracle and PostGIS). Installation is quick and easy: DICTGEO is immediately operational with the operator’s data.