Some figures 2011
Water and sanitation: Web and mobility use.
The Communauté d’Agglomération de Chambéry Métropole (Chambéry Métropole greater administrative district council) is a public institution grouping 24 municipalities bringing together 120,000 residents. Its Water department is responsible for the production and distribution of drinking water, the collection and treatment of wastewater and the maintenance and upkeep of facilities.
In order to meet its objectives of excellence in network management and customer relations, Chambéry Métropole has chosen GiSmartware and CARL INTERNATIONAL to implement a complete solution for the management of network operations and for maintenance management (management of the activity, inventory management, etc.).
The solution put in place with mapping makes it possible to provide:
- Management of calls (registration, assignment, acknowledgment);
- Access to business data and their level of quality, for the management of network activities (organisation of schedules, assignment of teams and planning of interventions);
- The decision-support tools needed to fully implement interventions on the ground;
- Linking with existing tools for billing management, management of inventory of spare parts (implementation of ETL);
- Tools for recording interventions;
- Progress monitoring via reporting and themes.
Sarah BERTHOLET – sbertholet@gismartware.com