Public lighting, telecoms network and DT-DICT.
In 2009, the public lighting department of the Syndicat Départemental pour l’Électricité et le Gaz de la Mayenne (Mayenne Electricity and Gas Board) managed 26,000 light points. The maintenance and work for these assets are managed by the public lighting department and are carried out by several companies.
The SDEGM wanted to be autonomous and to have its own solution in order to:
- Manage the public lighting assets;
- Be responsive to requests for intervention;
- Monitor new and renovation work;
- Monitor and approve maintenance operations (curative and preventive).
All within a mapping environment.
Implementation (2009 – 2010)
In order to respond to these various needs, GiSmartware offered SDEGM its EP Center business software. This is an internet solution which allows users to manage in real time all of the public lighting assets, via a single web browser and without any installation.
The services provided by GiSmartware cover:
- The provision of an EP Center licence;
- The integration of mapping data from the DGI (Directorate-General for Taxation) and the IGN;
- The massive integration of descriptive data of the assets and of photos made by the companies;
- The implementation of mobility solutions for guidance and maintenance;
- User training.
Implementation (since late 2014)
In 2014, it was suggested to the SDEGM to migrate to SmartGeo. This migration then allowed new modules to be added:
- ANT (digital development of the territory) business modules in order to view the telecom networks in SmartGeo and to understand the usage of ducts;
- DT-DICT module to automate responses to the DT-DICT responses received by the SDEGM;
- Additional business layers: Enedis and GRDF (gas distribution network company) layers.